The new trek movie is out. Ill review that monday night. For now i just wanna mention something on my mind. Why the hell do they keep moving this series back and not forward.
im sure this new movie is just fine, or maybe its a bunch of ass, but we'll see that monday.
i just dont get it. I wanna see the next batch of characters. we had kirk, then picard, then sisko, then janeway, and then we went back to archer (who was made up and then we had to explain why klingons look better in the past etc.) its time to move ahead here.
this new movie couldve really done something. have picard as an admiral and he can send off the new recruits and assign a new captain of the enterprise. no, lets go back and reinvent kirk and spock? what the hell kind of dumbass move is that!!!!!!!!!! just make something new. maybe they are too scared to do something knew, because then they would have to actually create new characters....OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the next movie gonna be, kirk as an infant?
One step forward, 5 steps back.
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