Terminator Salvation is the 4th film in the series of Terminator movies started by James Cameron. There is also a tv series that got cancelled after 2 seasons (probably because it was actually good). So this concept has been around for a while, and for some reason it just wont die.
Well I figured out the reason…cause ITS AWESOME!!! This 4th film hits the mark large. It delivers great action and effects, and the action can be seen this time….not like shaky cam transformers (unless you like 2 heaps of junk metal rolling around a forest). In this film you can see machines fighting men in the same shot. There are long takes that show simultaneous action with explosions, machines, and gun fire all in one shot! Not the quick cut-aways by current film makers, who think that shaking the camera equals excitement. No. This movie was excitement. I ducked at some parts! I wasn’t in imax, I was in a normal theatre (less than normal, it was yorkdale mall) and I was ducking at some of the things that were jumping at the screen! The story was pretty good too and everything was taken seriously. Really serious. You cant even go in the water without a terminator trying to bite your ass!
No laughs, no cheesy jokes, and no nonsense. While T2 is obviously the best in the series (due to its action, groundbreaking effects and the human story element), this film is a great installment and I cant wait to see part 5, and I cant wait to own this one on dvd. After the show, we were so excited about this that one friend said “I wish McG would’ve directed Star Trek.” I never thought id live to hear that sentence!
Well I figured out the reason…cause ITS AWESOME!!! This 4th film hits the mark large. It delivers great action and effects, and the action can be seen this time….not like shaky cam transformers (unless you like 2 heaps of junk metal rolling around a forest). In this film you can see machines fighting men in the same shot. There are long takes that show simultaneous action with explosions, machines, and gun fire all in one shot! Not the quick cut-aways by current film makers, who think that shaking the camera equals excitement. No. This movie was excitement. I ducked at some parts! I wasn’t in imax, I was in a normal theatre (less than normal, it was yorkdale mall) and I was ducking at some of the things that were jumping at the screen! The story was pretty good too and everything was taken seriously. Really serious. You cant even go in the water without a terminator trying to bite your ass!
No laughs, no cheesy jokes, and no nonsense. While T2 is obviously the best in the series (due to its action, groundbreaking effects and the human story element), this film is a great installment and I cant wait to see part 5, and I cant wait to own this one on dvd. After the show, we were so excited about this that one friend said “I wish McG would’ve directed Star Trek.” I never thought id live to hear that sentence!
Make that two combo's and a side of Bale Nacho's.
ReplyDeleteThis movie was fantastic, no complaints out of this fan.