I have literally just come back from the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. My thoughts? Well, Wolverine was awesome, and so was Hugh Jackman, though that's pretty much been the case through the entire X-Men run. Okay. Liev Shreiber was good too, though there could not be a satisfying ending in this case, as this was a prequel, and we all know Sabretooth shows up in the first X-Men movie. Fine. However, the one thing that sticks in my craw is the Deadpool character. What the hell was that? Ryan Reynolds shows up for a couple of scenes as Wade Wilson, and then we have nothing until the end when he's and uber-mutant with powers? Then he's offed by Wolverine! I mean, Deadpool's pretty popular, I think he got a raw deal. Other than that, a lot of mutants show up, but they reall don't do much. This is Wolverine's movie, and the only character who is on his level is Sabretooth...which is disappointing that they can't have a decent fight. Was this movie good? Yeah, but only if you're a huge fan of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Otherwise, I found it a good tease: they were going in good places, but never quite fulfill what they promise.
- Stephenstein
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