Remember when the Da Vinci Code came out? All the furor, the press, the indignation? Well, here we have the "sequel", which is actually the prequel if you're going by the books, but those crazy Hollywood types, they never seem to get things right. So Tom (I won 2 Oscars 15 years ago, or so) Hanks has returned with his buddy, Ron Howard, to deliver another religious thriller. The critics and fans hated the first one. How did they do in round 2?
Well, I think they did really good, personally. Now yes, they probably didn't jam every ounce of the book into the movie (and thank God, because this religious history stuff is hard enough to follow as it is), and I'm sure there were great parts in the book that never saw the light of day in the film, but that's the case for all books....so, SETTLE DOWN! Better. Not great, but better.
So what you get in this one is a good, albeit somewhat predictable film, with suspense and fine performances turned in by Tom Hanks and Ewan McGregor.
Now, the question on everyone's mind who saw Da Vinci Code is, does this film run as long as the first film? The answer is, I think it does, but this one ran a little smoother than it's predecessor. It's still somewhat a long movie, but I feel there was less to cut out of this one, and far more intrigue and a faster pace. As I am quickly falling out of favour of 3 hour opus' that really could be 2 hour opus' (and I'm looking right at you, Dark Knight), this movie could have really irritated me...but it didn't...so there.
So check this one out, if you're interested enough from the first film to enter the world of Robert Langdon, and those crazy, crazy guys in the church.
I bid thee a fond good night.
- Stephenstein
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