Friday, October 23, 2009

Windows 7 parties???

In keeping with this blog's pop-culture theme, I couldn't help but post this.

In launching its newest unecessary Windows update, Microsoft has undertaken one of the most baffling, bizzare ad campaigns I've ever seen a major corporation initiate. Basically, Miscrosoft wants to encourage you to throw a Windows 7 launch party by basing a houseparty with your freinds around installing Windows 7 on your computer (!). To do this, they've created a viral ad campaign featuring 4 awkwardly mismatched actors giving viewers tips on what various activities you can do at your party. What makes this ad become something much more and ascend to the ranks of kitch history is that it actually doesn't appear to be a spoof of infomercials. It seems to be SERIOUS! Look at these fools! I love the "oh, snap!" moments at the end of this. See how much of this you can take:

Wow that's enduring yourself to America's youth, Microsoft!


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