A couple of years ago a new Robin Hood series started, produced by the BBC (yes from the Austin Powers song, that BBC). Anyway, I am a big Robin Hood guy, (see past reviews for Adventures of Robin Hood - also, one of my first ever vhs movies i bought was the Kevin Costner Robin Hood POT). That being said i never really knew about this show.
Actually a few years back i was at hmv and saw the dvd of series 1 (season 1 in american/canadian terms) Deceptisean said he had heard of it, but never saw it. About 3 weeks ago i noticed it was on tv and quickly turned to it, only to have the credits show up...missed it by that much....so i was a bit pissed, and next week i would catch it forsure...i did and loved it. It was episode 12 i saw of series 1...13 followed and i was hooked (as was my wife, who is nearly impossible to hook on current tv shows, due to the level of A$$ - note the dollar bills are not because i cant write ass.)
I ran out and purchased series 1 and 2 and got hooked after 2 mins of the first episode. Within 5 mins, Robin was already astablished and ready for action. The merry men pretty much all appeared in the first episode and the Sheriff was being one hell of a bastard.
This show is just gold. If you like Robin Hood you should watch it. If you love Robin Hood you should buy it.
best show on tv, and best show in years.
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