A – show a shot of the banana peel, then the woman walking, then her slipping? (this would let us know that she probably would slip, cause we see the peel first)
B – show a shot of the woman walking, then the peel, then her slipping. (then we wouldn’t see it coming.)
His answer was –
I would show the banana peel, then the woman walking, then her stepping OVER the banana peel and then falling down a manhole that was next to it.
**** SPOLIERS ****
Hangover only has the banana peel. The way everyone was dying over this movie, I thought there’d be more. All the jokes in this movie are either juvenile, several hits to several heads with several objects…crowbars, doors, etc. Or don’t pay off. They feel that the set up is enough.
Juvenile - in the opening scenes we see Allan (the funniest character) wearing thong type underwear and we see his ass. That’s it. I guess that was funny?? Later on, they go to a hospital and see an old man’s ass. I guess that ass was just as funny. Then later, a naked Chinese man is in a car jumps out and we see his ass. That’s 3 ass jokes…these are not funny. Simply seeing an ass is not enough for me anyway. The Chinese man does fight them briefly and hits them in the face and head. In most cases I try to avoid male nudity. In Borat there was nudity, both men, (borat and his fat friend) fight in the nude over Pam Anderson. But that gets so crazy, that they are running around the hotel in the nude fighting each other. You cant help but laugh at the absurdity. Here they are just asses.
No payoffs – They wake up with a tiger and baby in the room. How did they get there? Later they go downstairs and find that their car is a police car. How did they get a police car? Well here are the answers. They stole a police car. Oh, ok, that’s interesting….oh, that’s it. They stole it. We don’t know why, or what it was gonna be used for…they just stole it because they were smashed. Well I guess that is funny, but not to me. I want to either see the process of them steeling it, or give me some really funny reason for it. Maybe they wanted to play cops and robbers and stole the car and tried to arrest the Chinese gangster guy and stripped searched him or something. But no, they just stole it. The baby, interesting a baby…how did that get there. A girl left it there, in a closet…oh, I wonder why…what circumstances led to that? Nothing. She just left it there. The tiger, why would a tiger be in a room with a bunch of bachelors…well they stole it. Oh, yeah, they just stole it. They didn’t do anything funny with it, they just stole it. In the credits we see them riding it in a picture, which would have been a great visual, not a still and not at the end. I wanna see some of these funny things that happened. This movie is like your friend telling you about the wild night he had, but it's not as funny to you, because you didnt see any of it. "We stole a cop car!!!" "OH man, that's crazy!" yeah, that works in the real world, i guess (i dont think its funny in the real world either), but in movies i wanna see more!
All in all, I didn’t hate this movie as much as I thought I would…but it’s very average. Nothing really funny happens, and the characters are not interesting enough to sustain 90 mins. Plus there were no real payoffs. Everything was explained as, well they were drunk so they did it. Not good enough boys. I want actual writing. The reports of the story being good were HIGHLY overrated.
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