Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who you gonna call?

Paranormal Activity

Katie has been followed by a spirit since she was a young girl. Her husband (?) Mikah decides to capture some paranormal stuff on tape, so he keeps a video record of what they do during the month of October (no, Halloween doesn’t play a factor – that would be too obvious).

During the night stuff happens, small at first, doors open and close, loud noises, shadows etc. As the nights go on, and with the antagonistic Mikah, the spirit starts to do more. Much more.

The film makers here actually accomplished their task, which is to make a creepy realistic horror movie. And they pretty much succeeded. If you believe in spirits and ghosts you will love this movie. It will freak you out.

The film makers have also added a lot of little things too…small hints of a story and a psychic that is so completely useless (just like real psychics). The details are neat too – you see shadows move and footprints etc.

I suggest watching it alone at night in the dark. You will get freaked out. However, such tactics don’t work on me. I only care about the technical aspects, which were good…see NIGHT 20 for a great effect.

That being said, my horror movie love is enough to suspend my disbelief and still like this movie. I would recommend getting it on dvd – if you can watch in the conditions I mentioned.

3.5/5 (4/5 for people who believe in ghosts)


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